Happy Hollow Park & Zoo is a place for the young and the young at heart. The chance to play in the great outdoors is so vital to our health and wellbeing. Happy Hollow provides a safe, natural space for people to enjoy right in the city. From foster children and their advocates to seniors who enjoy Senior Safari, play is a priority at Happy Hollow.
Your gift to Happy Hollow Foundation works hard to enhance the magic by funding new rides and exhibits and creating programs where more people in our community can access the fun.
Children in Santa Clara County’s foster care system are now able to visit Happy Hollow frequently — and for free! — thanks to a new partnership between Happy Hollow Foundation and Child Advocates of Silicon Valley. Child Advocates is an organization that connects foster children with Court Appointed Special Advocates (or CASAs), allowing the child to form a healthy bond with a trusted, responsible adult.
~ Patricia, CASA
Memberships to Happy Hollow for foster children and their CASAs provides the perfect opportunity for a carefree outing where they can explore nature, squeal with delight on the rides and soak up the great outdoors. A special thanks to our Dreambuilders who donated their membership perks to this incredible program!
Support Play TodayHappy Hollow Park & Zoo is a place for the young and the young at heart. To better serve older adults in our community, Happy Hollow Foundation created Senior Safari where visitors age 50 and up are invited to take over San Jose’s iconic Happy Hollow Park & Zoo!
This program is designed to help older adults improve their health, avoid social isolation and enjoy a unique environment that stimulates both mind and body. Senior Safari admission and parking are free, and guests are welcome to stay for the day after gates open to the general public.