The Happy Hollow Scout Program invites children to learn through hands- on discussions and experience live animal encounters to earn badges. Most badges have two curriculum options, which may be taken individually or paired together.
Nova WILD!
Wildlife is all around us! But what exactly does “wildlife” mean? Come explore the difference between domestic and wild animals, native and invasive species, and how these animals interact with each other and the rest of the natural world. We will investigate food webs and ecosystems with the help of our exhibit animals as well as a visit from a special animal ambassador. If we’re lucky, we may even spot some local native animals who are “volunteers” at the zoo!
My Tiger Jungle
Come explore the amazing sights and sounds of the natural world right here at Happy Hollow! Use your senses to learn about some of our local Bay Area animals and plants and practice your wildlife watching skills as we investigate nature on scales both large and small.
This program will also be offered as a sleepover
Team Tiger
Work as a team with your den as you play games, solve puzzles and meet animals! Learn about how different animal groups work together as their own type of team, or why some animals prefer to fly solo.
Tigers in the Wild
Take a trip into the wilds of Happy Hollow! Learn how to pack and prepare for an outdoor adventure, spot animal tracks, identify helpful plants and sing campfire songs. After preparing, we’ll go on a mini-adventure right here in the zoo to learn about zoo animals as well as local wildlife and plants!
Games Tigers Play
Games, games and even more games! Play, learn and create games with your den here at Happy Hollow! See animals that enjoy playing just as much as Cub Scouts do, and learn about where humans and animals get our energy that allows us to run and play.
Call of the Wild
Being prepared is always important! Do you know how to survive if there is a natural disaster? Learn how to be safe in the outdoors, and meet animals that have their own ways of surviving unexpected natural conditions. We’ll also practice wildlife identification skills with our native Bay Area wildlife.
Running with the Pack
Throw, catch, balance, roll and leapfrog with your den! This program is all about getting up and moving around! Once you’ve tried the games and activities yourself, we’ll learn about animals that also run and play, and how important a healthy diet is to maintain that energy!
Howling at the Moon
Which animal howls? Purrs? Croaks? Animals communicate in different ways and so do humans. Show your own communication skills, learn about animal communication, and then have some fun showing off your creative side! Communicate what you learned at the zoo by creating an original skit with your den using props from around the zoo!
Fur, Feathers, and Ferns
Be an animal detective and learn how to search for clues they leave behind! We’ll learn about animal tracks, scat and other traces they might leave, and observe some of our own Bay Area wildlife right here at the zoo. We’ll also learn about what may cause a species to become endangered or extinct, and take an up-close look at plants as well while we’re at it!
This program will also be offered as a sleepover
Three Cheers for Animals!
Visit Happy Hollow along your 5 Flowers, 4 Stories, 3 Cheers for Animals! journey to discover the wonderful world of animals, learn to make good choices, explore animal body language, and meet live animals.
Option A: Supports activities from Sessions 2 and 3
Option B: Focuses on Session 5 with a craft from Session 10
Sleepover: Activities from Sessions 2 and 5
Deciding to have a pet is a big commitment. Seek out advice from the experts about taking care of pets, explore veterinary medicine, and learn how to understand what your pet is saying to you!
Option A: Steps 1, 3, and 5
Option B: Steps 2 and 4
Sleepover: Steps 1, 3, and 4
Journey Connection: A World of Girls
Even if you don’t realize it, you use your senses every day to explore the world! Discover how animals use their senses to find food, avoid predators, and survive the wild.
Option A: Steps 4 and 5
Option B: Steps 1, 2, and 3
Sleepover: Steps 1-4 and supports Step 5
Journey Connection: WOW! Wonders of Water
Animal Habitats
Investigate habitats from around the world, including African savannahs, endangered rainforests, and even the one you can find in your very own backyard!
Option A: Steps 1 and 4
Option B: Steps 2 and 3
Sleepover: Steps 1, 3, and 4
Journey Connection: aMUSE!
Learning what detectives do is a lot of fun, but becoming an animal detective is even better! Learn how animals communicate in code, practice your powers of observation, and detect difference in fingerprints – and paw prints!
Option A: Steps 2 and 3
Option B: Steps 1 and 4
Sleepover: Steps 1, 2, 3, and 4
Journey Connection: Get Moving!
Happy Hollow isn’t just home to the animals… It’s also home to thousands of plants! Join us at the park to learn more about our unique gardens from green roofs to backyard habitats. You’ll even learn about the foliage in the zoo exhibits!
Option B: Steps 1, 2, 3, and 4
Journey Connection: Get Moving!
Animal Helpers
How long have people lived alongside animals? How do we help them, and how do they help us? Visit with Happy Hollow to learn why zoos and other animal organizations exist today and the important jobs zoo animals do for their wild relatives. You’ll even get a chance to learn how to handle one of our most important animal ambassadors!
Option A: Steps 1 (half) and 3
Journey Connection: MEdia
Night Owl
Discover the world around you in a whole new way! Meet live animals while learning about their special nocturnal senses, rely on your own senses to explore the zoo in the dark, and even interview the nighttime zoo crew! In the morning, meet the animals that take over the day shift and compare their features to those who roam at night.
Sleepover: Steps 1-5 (some activities recommended before program)
Journey Connection: Media
Voice for Animals
Animals can’t speak. Luckily, there are people willing to stand up for them! Meet with a zoo educator to discuss wildlife rehabilitation, pet rescue, zoo breeding programs, and professional animal shows. Learn about potential career paths that can help you help animals.
Option B: Steps 1, 3, and 4
Sleepover: Steps 1, 3, and 4
Journey Connection: Mission: Sisterhood
The cost is $150 for up to 35 participants and the program can take place at Happy Hollow or at your location.
Happy Hollow does not provide Scout Badges. Please contact your local Scout branch for purchasing information. Please note, troops wishing to visit Happy Hollow after their program must purchase admission tickets.
We are looking forward to guiding you through a wild adventure of after-dark activities, group games, animal presentations, creative crafts, themed instruction and zoo tours!
Refunds must be requested at least 14 days prior to the date of the program. A $10 administrative fee is retained for each cancellation.