Happy Hollow Blog

Tips from the Zoo animals (COVID-19)

March 24, 2020

Dear friends,

The animals at Happy Hollow are doing well! We continue to provide them with excellent, dedicated and professional care despite being closed to the public.

Your ongoing support and well wishes through social media are greatly appreciated. We’ve looked to our animals for some tips to share on getting through COVID-19 and here’s what we think they’re trying to teach us.


Little Windy is a pro at sheltering in place. You’ve goat this!

Pygmy goat. Photo by Zookeeper Jeff.

Shello good hygiene!

Wash your hands often, and not too fast. At least 20 seconds with soap and water.

African spurred tortoise. Photo by Zookeeper Emma.

Get moo-ving.

Sure, go for a stroll outside. But remember that staying in your own neighborhood reduces traffic and allows emergency workers the space they need to not get sick, and to treat those whose lives are on the line.
(Or try some cow pose flow yoga in the backyard!)

Senior Zookeeper Melissa and zebu going for an afternoon stroll. Photo by Zookeeper AJ.

Don’t flock together.

Yes, take care of your pets. Get some fresh air, but remember to keep your distance. The wingspan of a turkey vulture is 6 feet. So, if in doubt, carrion with at least a turkey vulture’s distance from others.

Turkey vulture. Photo by Zookeeper AJ.

Graphic courtesy of Wings and Talons.

Show egg-ceptional compassion.

Tyra the chicken is a good neighbor. She shares her eggs with many animals at the Zoo. Do you know someone who is helping a friend or family member right now? If you’re looking for ways to help our local community, visit www.siliconvalleystrong.org.

Laying hen. Photo by Zookeeper Mariah.

Everything quill be okay

If you need supplies, continue buying normal quantities. Staying on the same schedule we normally follow helps ensure that there is enough for everyone.

African four-toed hedgehog education ambassador. Photo by Zookeeper AJ.

Eat like a lemur

Are you filling your body with nutritious food when you leap over to the fridge? Visit www.siliconvalleystrong.org for information on food access for vulnerable populations and ways you can help.

Black-and-white ruffed lemur. Photo by Zookeeper John.

Make sure you’re getting enough sleep.

Kianto the jaguar is the king of cat naps. Good quality, restorative sleep is the purrrfect way to keep your health up.

Male jaguar. Photo by Zookeeper AJ.

Keep your head up.

Breath in. Breath out. Repeat. Sometimes your own backyard, or even porch, can be the perfect space for a breath of fresh air and some meditation.

Curious meerkat. Photo by Zookeeper AJ.

Explore all the opposum-bilities of online learning

Many AZA-accredited and certified related facilities may be closed to the public during the COVID-19 outbreak, but they are still providing the highest level of animal care and bringing education and fun to you through online events and educational resources. Click here for live videos and other online events your whole family can enjoy.

Education ambassador Virginia opossum. Photo by Conservation & Communications Manager Charlotte.

Thinking about bamboozling the County and State Orders?

You may be putting your health, and others at risk. Expect some stares – from a distance.

Female red panda. Photo by Zookeeper Alyssa.

The animals and staff at Happy Hollow are leading by example.

And you can too!

Together, we can #FlattentheCurve in San José and beyond!

For more FAQs, visit bit.ly/covid19FAQpage