Do you ever have a hard time getting out of bed on chilly winter mornings? Bayou, the American alligator can relate! This cold-blooded beauty at Happy Hollow relies on his environment for temperature regulation.
Meet Happy Hollow’s oldest primate, Misti. Misti is 37, and despite some skin issues (which we have been carefully monitoring and treating) she is in great health.
In 2018, the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) granted Happy Hollow Park & Zoo a Quarter Century Award, celebrating 25 years of continuous accreditation.
Are you about to get a new smartphone, tablet or computer? What are you going to do with the electronic device that you no longer need? Don’t just throw it away—recycle it at Happy Hollow Park & Zoo! Recycling old mobile phones helps reduce the demand for coltan and protects gorilla habitat in Africa.
In 2018, Happy Hollow Park & Zoo welcomed a new new leadership team. Check out who’s running things behind-the-scenes at Happy Hollow. (Photo - Left: Shannon Heimer, General Manager. Right: Kiersten McCormick, Assistant General Manager.)